Thursday, February 26, 2009

wildlife getting "caught up" in the human world

Pictured here is an elk in Colorado comprised by a piece of furniture it picked up - likely while foraging on an urban edge.

According to the story, so far it hasn't been too much of a problem, as Colorado Division of Wildlife officer Craig Wescoatt says:

“She’s very active. The bar stool doesn’t seem to be impairing her to any great degree,” he observed, “She just looks kind of goofy.”

For a "lighter take" on this incident, you can check out his blogger's view:

Top five explanations for why an elk ended up with a barstool around its neck

the ABC news clip


This reminds me of the issue of sea birds and other creatures getting caught up in six-pack plastic rings. In one dramatic case a turtle whose development was completely altered by growing up corseted by one of these things was found and dubbed the "Figure Eight Turtle." Video here.

Ah, Homo faber.


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